Hi there!
Welcome to Frankie & Dandelion's brand spanking new website!

We are SUPER excited to be able to offer our customers another platform of keeping in touch, online shopping & just staying up-to-date in general.  A lot of late nights (hello old friend 2am) and early mornings have gone into this site, no doubt there will still be a few minor tweaks to come so please be patient with us in these early days.  If at any stage you have any queries or feedback & suggestions please don't hesitate to hit the Contact Us above and submit a form.  If you're not already, make sure you are following us on social media for sneak peaks, special offers & exclusive content.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/frankieanddandelion

Instagram: @frankieanddandelion

So TA-DA!! Here you have it. Make a cup of tea (who am I kidding, we all know coffee is superior), sit back & peruse our fancy pants new site at your leisure.  Oh, and keep watching this blog space - we have lots more online content to come. As they say "the best is yet to come"!

Lots of love and kindness to you all,


(AKA owner, creater, designer, self-titled webmaster, ceo of Frankie & Dandelion, mum to Flynn, coffee addict.)
